Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday Mama..

Your Birthday is here,
Bringing joy and pleasures new, On this special day, Mother dear,I want to remember you. I cannot give you costly gifts, And I've told you this before, No matter what I give to you, You give back much, much more. I'm giving you a pure, sweet rose, Gathered in the early morn, This rose you planted in my heart, The day that I was born. In kindly, loving thoughts of you, And with the faith you still impart, The rose I give to you today, Is the love that's in my heart.
Mommy's love is so tender,
it puts everybody else to shame.Even when I do something wrong,over herself she takes the blame. She forgives me even if I do, something wrong for the hundredth time.It doesn't matter even if I not a good child, for Mommy's love is blind. Happy Birthday Mommy.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Esok nak tgk Muvee..yeayyy!!!

Hye BFF....

Nak tgk Monte Carlo esok.. Baru sempat nak tgk.. Kak sue la ni goreng citer ni..terclosing i...huhu..esok nak tgk ngn 'die'...dah lame xdate..winduuuuu la..hehe...lps tgk esok i review k..

Be Fabulous Forever...xoxo BFF

Release Date: 30 June 2011
Language: English
Subtitle: Info Not Available
Genre: Comedy / Romance
Running Time: 1 Hour 48 Minutes
Director: Tom Bezucha
Cast: Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Katie Cassidy, Corey Monteith, Andie MacDowell

Synopsis: A young woman, her uptight step sister and her best friend use their savings for a long anticipated dream trip to Paris, which turns out to be a big disappointment. When they decide to take a break from their lousy tour and duck into the lobby of a 5-star hotel, one of them is mistaken for a spoiled British heiress. Before they get the chance to reveal their true identities they are wrapped up in a whirlwind of paparazzi, private planes, couture gowns, storybook romances, and a vacation in Monte Carlo.

Miss my lil Adham so much...

Hye BFF....This evening my sister yg study kat London call..dpt ckp ngn my sister's only son, Adham...he's only 4 years old now but die ckp english lg power dr atok die...dat time we kat mesia ni tgh makan durian...
"Adham, u know wat Durian is?"Acu said
"Durian?? We only eat strawberry here."said urban anak buah aku nih...
Sgt comel la bdk kecik ni...pandaiiiinyeee sgt sgt..rindunye kat nak terbang g London skrg jgk nak peluk cium cubit pipi gebu die...huhu

cute posing kan..balik mesia meh aunty diana bw g casting..
leh kwn ngn miasara nnt..huhu

mcm pelakon korea dh...abis la aweks2 cair tgk mcm snow cair..huhu

OMG!! this is my fav pic...can put as a wallpaper...calendar boy pun boley...=)

style la...model in progress..haha..adorable sgt..macho kan kan...

my famili visit my sis last year n left me alone in sad cant join them..kene jg my grandma..its ok..i'm comin to see u Adham dis year..wait for me ya...

Friday, July 22, 2011

What is PurpleliciousAinor all about??

Hye BFF....
xsangka la buat blog ni mmg interesting..bile tgk blog org lain fulamak cute, comel, interesting...huhu...they really put effort n time to make their blog alive..(its like u n laptop xle dipisahkan)..n of coz when u write something on ur blog u doesn't care wut other people think bout u..dats a good practice for me so dat lps ni leh ckp ape je nak ckp janji hepi..but must control emosi yer..huhu..
Someone penah share wit me " if u do wuteva u love to do, u'll succeed in urlife. If u share wuteva u love to do wit all people who love u then u'll succeed in urlife n beco
me the happiest person in d world."
Basically, i love to eat, i love travelling, i love shopping, i love my Famili, i love my BFF, i love to make money, obviously i love purple.. n i love myself..(must love urself 1st then only u'll be loved ok)
"Purplelicious" was gave by one of my fren when i bought my first baby car..(4D color=purple,green black&gold color@sesumpah)
My dear BFF, so many to update n b continued......
Be Fabulous Forever.......xoxo BFF

Guess what is this?

I have a Blog...Finally!! yeayyy....

Finally after kene push ngn erfan(company designer) i dh ade my own blog...yeayyy berjaya!!! satu achievement and improvement for me..hehe..sesorg tuh penah share wit me 'if u want to b a better person, u have to start learn a new thing and must plus one (+1) achievement everyday.'
I hope this blog can b my new fren to start a new life here...everyday is a new day... b continue...
u know u love me....xoxo...